All Virry VR products comply with NHS Clinical safety Standards and are DCB0129 compliant.
Our research has shown that Virry VR can improve the quality of life of people with dementia, influencing their mood, arousing interest in the new, re-orientating their entire cognitive system with knowledge, whilst also having an immediate positive impact on an individual’s wellbeing, setting a positive emotional scene that enables a different attitude to life.
In previous studies of the effectiveness of a conscious break for staff using Virry VR technology in a top senior care home, the head office of a leading bank and an IT company, data was obtained on the positive impact of the technology on the psycho-emotional state of employees, which showed increasing performance associated with mood and state of mind, as well as a decrease in the level of depression and the coefficient of emotional burnout.
Virry VR is specifically designed to be easily and intuitively used by all ages
Virry VR as an intervention tool for children with complex emotional and behavioural needs enabled participants to fully immerse themselves in nature and interact with animals in their natural habitat without physically leaving the room, which helped with their emotional self-awareness and targeted emotion management. The study found that participants were able to express themselves more freely and engage in more reflective thinking. A few of the participants appeared to better manage some emotions over some others post-intervention. It was noted that the VR intevention tool was easy to set up, allowing the participants to use them independently.
Virry VR is specifically designed to be easily and intuitively used by all ages
Virry VR is specifically designed to be easily and intuitively used by all ages
Modern medical practice has come to understand the closely linked relationship between the mind and body, with emotional stress and depression now known to be a connecting factor in a wide range of maladies.
When stressed the mind suppresses the immune system, increasing susceptibility to flu viruses and other illnesses.
Whilst we can’t avoid all sources of stress in our day to day lives, we can use relaxation techniques, such as meditation and breath control exercises, to help control our stress levels which in turn helps our immune system.
Virry VR uses nature therapy and mindfulness techniques to reduce stress and anxiety. We encourage users to take a daily break and focus on their mental and physical wellbeing in a way that is enjoyable and easily accessible.
Virry VR has an inbuilt mood tracker which you are asked to answer at the beginning and end of your session.
This data is accumulated so that you are able to see your emotional states over a period of time.
Regularly tracking your mood will bring a new habit of emotional self-assessment and helps with self-regulation. The better feelings are understood, the easier it is to reflect on them and regulate them.
Data from the mood tracker is saved on your headset and not collected or shared anywhere else. Please see our privacy policy for further details.
Virry can make you feel happier and more positive, which is important for both your mental and physical health.